Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bolivia: Riding The Most Dangerous Road in the World

Tune in!
Mountain-bike the most dangerous road in the world? It's definitely an adrenaline enhancing experience not for the faint of heart, but the perfect adventure for anyone who is part of the Agwa tribe.

It is a spectacular 38-mile ride, descending more than 11,800 ft from the Andean mountains into the Amazonian jungle.

Beautiful and Damned
The Yungas Road, labelled 'The Most Dangerous Road in the World' by the Inter-American Development Bank in 1995. From the cross-roads at Unduavi, between Coroico and La Paz, Bolivia. Between 200 and 300 souls are lost on this "most dangerous road" every year.

The Yungas road was built by prisoners during Bolivia's 1932-35 war with Paraguay. For many years it was the only route linking northern Bolivia to the capital, La Paz.

The Nat Geo video below explains why this is the "most dangerous road".

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